Jeff working on a project on his laptop

Hi, I'm @jeffbuildstech 👋

Full-stack dev | Digital marketer | Product person

About Me

Before 2018, I did anything and everything related to marketing.

Social, SEO, events, influencer, you name it. Then I picked up a book called Learn Python The Hard Way and everything changed.

Since 2018, I've been obsessed with building stuff with code. I've built in-house apps for companies, automated hundreds of processes, and built more side-projects than I can count.

Currently, I'm leading the development efforts at Stitch3D, where we're revolutionizing the 3D LIDAR industry by moving their work from the desktop to the cloud.

I have a hard time sitting still and love to work on new ideas. If you have anything you want to chat about, don't be shy. Say hello on any of my channels. 👋

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